~MapLe DiaRy~
~MapLe DiaRy~kakaka.. i m posting maple diary again =x
but i m not maple siao
its bcoz tis private server very fun xD
as u can c from those photos tht i posted,
i changed many hair style, 1 day changed 1 hair style =x
1 day 1 hair style, ur mood turned happy =)
chou an neh neh fish - pianus ( no need 1 mins den ko liao, is me ko not tht fish -.- )
killing zakum but at the end never drop helm =_=
funny xiao yu yu, accidently changed tis punky hair ( SO UGLY!! )
japanese AiTheng with kimono
after so many hair style, tis hair style is my beloved hair style =)
me n xiao yu yu 2gether change our hair style
tis hair style ok wad? but all ppl said ugly -_- ( nerdy look so cute ^^ )
chou jason summon ah ma at skelegon -_- took so long 2 kill her!!
nerd nerd de jason!! ugly de boon boon cat!! ( jason said he is a business man -.- )
chou jason summon botak ah pek when we r zakum-ing .___.
i bought tis set of cash item.. nice?? ( hehes.. wan bath 2gether? )
cant tahan xiao yu, he said he is robotcop -.- (tis set of cash got effect de!! really bathing!! )
me and may may (i changed 2 tung ku hair style )
38 xiao yu, saw me changed he oso wana change hair style -.- end up he changed tis!! pengsan!!
xiao yu being abandon by me n may ( tis color de tung ku hair reminds me of my baby nu er )
yday de new hair style ^^ ( tis hair suit kimono )
she is my darling =] ( xiao yu yu de gf ^^ )
i become Nigh Lord ^^ ( the clock is hiding from me )
riding fat fat little piggy ( i call it jian zhu )
38 jason summon zakum at el-nath ( i said anywhere but not here, so slippery )
jason use his secret skill with crystal ilbi to kill zakum ( c those stars? fly here n there -.- )
۰• a day a maple, keeps sadness away =)ஂtheng
with l0ves۰•